Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Moral Argument

The Moral Argument points to the existence of a God because of the moral rules we live our lives by. Without a God morality would not exist.

The Argument from Design

The Argument from Design focuses on the fact that Earth is so fit for human existence when many other planets are not fit for humans. The Argument of Design feels it is too much of a coincidence for their not to be a being, creator.

The Ontological Argument

"The ontological argument is an argument for God’s existence based entirely on reason. According to this argument, there is no need to go out looking for physical evidence of God’s existence; we can work out that he exists just by thinking about it. Philosophers call such arguments a priori arguments"

The First Cause Argument

The First Cause Argument otherwise known as the "Cosmolgical Argument" and it says that the existance of the universe pointed to the existance of a being that created it.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

He really exists

The existance of God cannot be proved or disproved. " The Bible says we must accept by faith the fact that god exists" (Hebrews 11:6)
Thus, everyone who does not believe in God does not believe in God because they do not want to believe or they simply lack the faith to believe.